

Barack Obama Caricature Study

This is a caricature study of Barack Obama. It’s been over a year since I’ve done one so it was due. I did many crazy exaggerations of Obama when I was doing Photoshop contests but back then I was more concerned with the image being as absurd as possible and not so much about likeness and more correct exaggerations. This piece is not meant to be funny. It’s simply a portrait study of Obama done for practice. I’ve been real busy lately with some projects that didn’t allow me time to do these kinds of works for practice so I was happy to be back at learning what I love. These projects I’ve been working on weren’t really show pieces either hence the lack of posts lately. I’ve also been spending a lot of time building my social network. Google+ has been real good to me so I’ve put a lot of time and effort into increasing my presence there. With 1.2 million followers after a little over a year, it’s well worth my time there. If you’re not there, come and join me some time at .

At the request of many of my friends, I will be doing a Beanathon soon as Mr. Bean has been by far my most popular character. I’m going to do a few more pieces so I’ll have around 25 manipulations in the collection.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

The Ad That Never Happened

This is the ad that never happened. I was commissioned by an individual businessman who will remain unnamed to create a far right political satirical illustration for the recent Presidential election. The illustration was to go in USA Today as a full page ad. The individual who commissioned me for this piece was not able to raise the near quarter of a million dollars for a full page illustration in USA Today so it never went to print. The initial illustration was based upon the famous painting of Washington crossing the Delaware. As you can see, very little of the original painting remains, NOTE: This illustration has nothing to do with my personal political views. This was a job in which I was paid to create an illustration to the clients specifications. These are not my views. The original source image is posted below.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

Bean – The Fat Son of a Dutch Master

Ok, I’ve been up all night. Just couldn’t sleep and you can imagine what goes through my mind when I’m delirious from lack of sleep and hammered with caffeine. Yep, you read the title right. This is my depiction of what Mr Bean would look like had he been born the fat son of a Dutch Master. So the Mr Bean saga continues. I don’t even know myself what’s in for the future of this collection but I’m sure it will be fun. It’s not much to show for an all nighter but in the end at least it was therapeutic. I’m tired. Going to sleep now!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

Another Caricature Study of Bill Murray

This is yet another caricature study of Bill Murray. I have done several of him but his features and expressions never get old. On this one, I started with a horrible source image as you can see below so it was a challenge getting the textures right. There was also a lot more digital painting in this one than most because the detail just was not there. It was great practice and as always a good learning experience.

Just a note to let you know what else is going on with my work. I just finished the most complex image I have done to date. I spent almost 3 weeks on it and it will be used as a full page magazine illustration just in time for the elections. I can’t give anymore details right now but I will post the image as soon as it’s published. The only bad thing about it is that it was commissioned by an individual who is very one sided politically, so it may be a bit controversial. :) Note: This is not my opinion. It’s my job. I will also be starting another movie project soon for CatchPhrase Entertainment. Looking forward to that one.

I also wanted to let everyone know why my posts have been a bit sparse for the past few months. I have been spending a lot of time on Google+ lately. There are a few reasons for this. Google+ is providing the majority of my commissions over the last year for one. I was fortunate enough to have been selected for the Suggested User’s List a few months back and it has really payed off. I now have approximately 850,000 followers after one year and I am gaining about 6,000 followers per day which will put me over 1 million next month. If you’re not there, it’s very easy and quick to make a profile. Here’s mine: .

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

Magazine Cover – Four Page Spread and Feature

Sorry for the lack of posts lately folks. I’ve been extremely busy on some political pieces that will come out for the elections and other deals in the making. Tonight I’m posting my latest cover with a four page spread with interview for a motorcycle magazine called Pinky’s Passion Motorcycle Travel Magazine. You should be able to read it fine when enlarged. Check out the magazine here and it can be ordered at the above link. I’m going to keep this short and sweet as I need to get back to work on these three illustrations. I hope to have some super cool stuff to show very soon. Stay tuned!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

DOCMA Photoshop Magazine Feature – 5 Page Spread

Back in January of 2012, I was featured in DOCMA Photoshop Magazine in Germany. It’s strange but this being my best interviewed feature to date totally slipped my mind and never got posted on my blog. It was a five page spread and sort of in story form about me but it’s in German and although I have the PDF files for all five pages, Google Translate is totally useless. It makes no sense what so ever. Anyhow, I wanted to get it up on my blog since I failed to do so nearly nine months ago, duh. :)

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

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