>FHM Men’s Magazine Commission
Just a quick note to let everyone know why I’m not posting work right now. I am halfway done with a five piece photo manipulated caricature commission for FHM magazine. It’s a UK based company who owns a New York based men’s magazine. It’s a great opportunity. The magazine has a monthly subscription of 1.25 million. I will post the caricatures as soon as the owner gives me the ok. The image below is of the magazine and is also a link to FHM Magazine. Back to work, I have two more to do by tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
>Sylvester Stallone II
Tonight I have Steven Spielberg for you. I used this same image in a photo manipulation before but it wasn’t a caricature. It’s a great image although he is missing the top of his head, but that’s easy enough to fix. I’ve posted that image below for comparison. Spielberg is a great subject and I really enjoyed this caricature. Glasses are always a bit of a challenge when doing photo-manipulated caricatures but I think this one came out ok. I’m not sure about the background. I may change that later. I was in a rush to get it finished before it got too late. Hope you like it.
Original source imege below:
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!
Tonight I decided on Spike Lee to caricature. I got a late start so this was a pretty quick one. I did have a really good image to work with though and that always makes it easier and a lot more fun. I’ve posted the original source image below for comparison.
Original image below:
I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
>Bill O’Reilly "Fair and Balanced"
I had a request tonight from a good friend to caricature Bill O’Reilly. It came at the perfect time because I was sitting here trying to decide who I was going to honor tonight. Hahaha. This is one for the Democrats. As Bill says; “We are fair and balanced”. This is the first time I’ve done O’Reilly, so it was a lot of fun. I never really looked close at his features. He has a Nixon like nose and an enormous forehead. Sorry Bill. I think at some point I need to have “Miller Time” and caricature Fox News Contributor, Dennis Miller. He’s nuts. I’ve posted the original source image below that I worked with for comparison. Well that’s all for tonight. See you tomorrow!
Original source image below:
I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!