Win a Free Caricature Portrait on GooglePlus

This post is to announce two things… One, that I am now offering personal caricatured portrait commissions on a more regular basis and that I will be giving away one FREE 8″X10″ full color 300DPI print  ready caricature portrait with a custom background of your choice which will be delivered in digital format including layered files. Above are three examples of previous commissions. For a chance to win the free portrait, you must participate on my Google+ profile. If you’re not a member, it only takes 5 minutes to set up and it’s free so this would be a great time to come over and join us. I will roll over 200,000 followers there today.  to win a chance. This offer will expire and the winner will be determined on Wednesday, July 11th at 8:00pm CST. Join in on the fun. It’s going to be a blast!!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!