>Steven Spielberg WIP Animated Gif – Video Soon!


I’m making a post at the request of many people who want to know my process of manipulating a caricature. This is a very quick animated gif of the process I used on this particular caricature. My methods have since changed and there are some steps left out here because they weren’t retained in the original PSD. I am planning to record my entire process at full resolution, step by step in a time lapse video from blank canvas to finished product very soon. I’m ready to get started on the project now and want to get it up on my YouTube Channel as soon as possible, so I need to download what ever software I need to record this. Does anyone out there have any suggestions on software? My main concern is the quality of the image and the detail. I would love this to be in HD. The original post for this caricature including the source image is below. Maybe can help.
Original post with full resolution final product.
Tonight I have Steven Spielberg for you. I used this same image in a photo manipulation before but it wasn’t a caricature. It’s a great image although he is missing the top of his head, but that’s easy enough to fix. I’ve posted that image below for comparison. Spielberg is a great subject and I really enjoyed this caricature. Glasses are always a bit of a challenge when doing photo-manipulated caricatures but I think this one came out ok. I’m not sure about the background. I may change that later. I was in a rush to get it finished before it got too late. Hope you like it.
Original source imege below:

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!