> Project ~ Final Installment


Well, this is the DVD label which is the last installment to the Movie Project for Catchphrase Entertainment and New Coast Productions. I think the commission is finally complete. Everything has been delivered. As soon as the DVD is out I will have all of the actual items commissioned and do a photo shoot of the package commission both for a Behance Network project as well as a blog post summing up the entire experience from start to finish. Thanks to Dean Shull of Catchphrase and Steve Roberts of New Coast for this opportunity. Here is an interview of the two on . It was challenging at times and a bit out of my comfort zone but it all worked out in the end and the main thing is that they are happy with the final outcome. The satisfaction of my clients is far more important to me than any amount of money, although it’s a nice little bonus.

Puffinton Host movie writeup and interview
I’m about to start a portait commission right now for of Google+ and I will complete the Robert De Niro series afterwards and make a post with several images showing some of the different ways I approach a caricature and hopefully shedding some light on the many different angles you can look at a person and the differing directions of taking the exaggeration itself. That was a long sentence, please don’t correct my grammer. It sucks. Again, these methods that I describe here on my blog are my methods and not necessarily the correct methods. In fact my methods are actually all experimental as I try to figure this stuff out. I have no training in Photoshop or caricatures, or even art for that matter. I just do what I do.  If you want formal caricature training, go to the master, Jason Seiler. He teaches a corse through Schoolism.com which is well worth the money and as soon as I have the time, I’m taking the course myself.

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!