>Bouguereau’s & Raphael’s Felicia Day Spoofed


Raphael’s La Donna Velata Felicia Day
Bouguereau’s Work Interrupted Felicia Day
Tonight I’m posting a couple of photo-manipulations of actress and Google+ giant Felicia Day. I’m sure most of you know her for her acting and her work on The Guild Web Series. For those of you who may not, you can find her here on her Wikipedia Page. She can also be found with the other leading members of The Google+ Project by her user name +Felicia Day with 200,000+ circles. I hit a milestone myself today going over 10,000 circles of my own so don’t forget to circle  and  while you’re there.
I like this image of Felicia with the smirk on her face so I chose it along with a couple of Bouguereau and Raphael‘s masterpieces to do a couple of spoof photo-manipulations that I will tag her with on Google+ and see if I can get her attention. She’s too pretty for a caricature so I went with straightforward manipulations and a little humor added. I was nice to her because I want to get on her good side. The source images of Felicia and Bouguereau’s paintings are posted below.

Felicia Day

Raphael’s La Donna Velata

Bouguereau’s Work Interrupted

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!