
August 2014

B-Real Does the Weed Bucket Challenge for ALS


This is a recent illustration for  and  of B-Real of Cypress Hill. B-Real from Cypress Hill has now put his own clever spin on the ALS fundraiser. Read all about it here. Lots more to come very soon.




A creative twist on The Bucket Challenge

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

Robin Williams Dies Far Too Young

Robin Williams

This piece was done in collaboration with and  as a tribute to a great actor and comedian Robin Williams who died yesterday at the age of 63. Far too young for such a talented celebrity. This image was used by for the tribute article which can be found here. Below is the man in action. RIP Robin Williams.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

Richard Nixon Caricature Illustration for Weedmaps

How Nixon Destroyed the Evidence on Marijuana

This is my most recent caricature illustration of Richard Nixon as it appeared on . The article is about how Nixon destroyed the evidence on a study that he ordered intending to keep marijuana from being rescheduled but it backfired on him. The report came back showing that marijuana has no ill effects on physical or mental health and recommended that it be rescheduled. Read it for yourself here. It’s a good read, very eye opening but be prepared, there’s a lot of harsh language in some, … all of Nixon’s quotes.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

Charity Golf Tournament for Multiple Sclerosis Hosted by Weedmaps

WeedMaps Sponsored Golf Tournament

Big news!! I’ve been invited to an all expenses paid trip to Denver Colorado for the 5th Annual Clinic Charity Golf Tournament hosted by . will be sponsoring The 5th Annual Clinic Charity Classic, a golf tournament to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The Clinic and Weedmaps will be bringing together some of Colorado and the nation’s finest industry leaders and hopefully, you and your guest! All proceeds from the event go towards the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and event costs.

The event will be held on Saturday, August 16, 2014. Lunch will be served at 12:30 PM! Full details regarding the event can be found right here. We hope you can join us for the 5th Annual Clinic Charity Classic.

Can’t wait! Hope to see some Colorado friends there.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

Bill O’Reilly Fires Back, Calls All Stoners “Morons”

Bill O'Reilly

This is my latest illustration for one of my new clients, which is the sister company to WeedMaps. This was for an article about Bill O’Reilly calling pot smokers morons. Check out the article yourself here. Also check out their new Google+ Pages,  and . Look for more funny stuff to come!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!