
March 2011

>Feature ~ CHURN, an Art & Music Magazine


Click here to visit CHURN's Online Shop and buy your copy today! 
 CHURN, an Art & Music Magazine, has been re-launched by Jeff Monje aka ChurnMasterJ and partner Sherié Silva aka ChurnMistreSS. The new comeback Issue #7, will begin distribution March 28th, 2011!!! We will be featuring more amazing artists, writers, musicians, theatre performers and more!! We support artists by showcasing their talents through print, as well as an online magazine and resource website. We do in-depth interviews and articles with the Artists and Musicians. Our sole purpose of supporting the creative collective is to give the talented people another avenue for additional exposure.
CHURN was initially founded in 1999 by Artist, and graduate from San Francisco Art Institute, Jeff Monje. CHURN, an Art & Music Magazine, was MIA for many years, since 2002, but IS BACK on the frontlines, ready to push the limit once again! The last issue published in 2002 featured H.R. Giger on the cover (Creator of the creature in the hit movie “ALIEN”) see We’ve also featured Jonathon Earl Bowser, Frank, Winston Smith, (Artist and Writer), Caniglia and more… Keith Wigdor (founder of the surrealism now website) has also been in CHURN: go to to see Keith Wigdor’s site.
The current comeback Collector’s Edition, Issue# 7 features world class talent and beyond – John Brophy , Suzzan , Bill Ortiz -musician- to name a few…
Our affiliates are; DIE CONSTANT URBAN CLOTHING – (Owner Alexis Moreau – Vancouver British Columbia), IDC, KEITH WIGDOR (Founder of Surrealism Now)-, Kymara (Owners Kymara Lonegran & Milo Rock), RODNEY PIKE (Caracture Artist Extraordinaire),, HYAENA GALLERY (Dark Art, Lowbrow Art, Outsider Art , Nothing Typical),, Sean Madden (Artist and Writer),, Sacramento Theatre Company
If you are an artist, writer, musician, film maker, theatre performer or are further gifted with some other awesome original artistic talent please contact us at:
You can also submit your art / music  / theatre / fashion video clips to- CHURNTUBE and we will upload them to the ” TUBE “.
Stand By……. CHURN IS BACK!!!!!
Jeff Monje
Publisher / Artist
CHURN, An Art & Music Magazine (Site) 
 Let me take just a moment to mention how honored I am to announce that Jeff Monje has informed me that some of my work will be featured in the next issue of Churn Art & Music Magazine. Be sure and stop by their online shop and order your copy today! You’ll also want to subscribe to their web site and enjoy some great Art, Music and Videos.

I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by folks and have a great day!

>Alecia Beth Moore ~ P!NK



Tonight I have a manipulated caricature of “P!nk”. It was requested by a Deviant Art friend of mine. I was going great today, right on schedule and then a transformer blew in front of my house so we lost power for quite a while. It really set me back but I was determined to get this one done and posted before I go to bed. I ended up making pretty good time. I’ve been staring at it for a couple of hours finishing up details so I don’t know if it’s ok or sucks. I’ll let you be the judge. I’m going to sleep!
I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping bt and have a great day!

>Making a new Morph Movie


I didn’t get a caricature done tonight because I’ve been working on this morph movie for a Behance project and YouTube video. I didn’t want to have nothing to post so I did a screen capture of what I’m working on so see, I’m not just being lazy. Wow about that half Kanye, half Trump pic. Pretty geeky looking. I have a certain person in mind for tomorrow’s post so stay tuned.
I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

>Sean Connery ~ FHM Magazine


Tonight I’m posting a manipulated caricature illustration commissioned by FHM Magazine / Bauer Media. This was my second commission from FHM, only one piece on this job. I wasn’t totally pleased with him but they liked him and I guess that’s what counts…well maybe not all that counts but it gets you paid. That’s all I’m going to post of FHM work for the time being so I’ll be back to my daily experiments tomorrow. I also have a video on the way. It should be finished in a couple of days.
I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

>Lindsay Lohan ~ FHM Magazine


Tonight I’m posting a manipulated caricature of Lindsay Lohan which was a commissioned caricature used to illustrate a story in FHM Magazine about celebrities with attitudes. She is the fourth of that five-piece commission. I’m posting these just as they were delivered to FHM. It’s kind of bland with the white background but I don’t want to alter any of these images.
I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

>Jermaine Defoe ~ FHM Magazine


Tonight I’m posting the third of a five-piece commission for FHM Magazine / Bauer Media. I had no idea who this guy was even after I was finished with the job. I just Googled him to find out so I wouldn’t sound ignorant. He’s an English footballer or soccer player to us in the US. Again, I am posting these just they way they were delivered, unaltered. Well that’s three down, two to go and then I’ll move on to the second FHM job. If you’re wondering what I’m doing while posting these images which were done months ago, I’m working on another video project, and doing a little relaxing. Fill you in on that later.
I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!