
October 2010

>The Beans II


This was an entry to a contest honoring Mother’s Day. The object was to photoshop any famous person as BOTH mother AND child in the same entry. It won bronze.

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

>The Beans


This was an old entry to a contest honoring Father’s Day. The object was to photoshop any famous person as BOTH Father AND child in the same entry, male or female subjects allowed. It won bronze.

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

>Dead Man Walkin’


This was an entry for a contest at called “George Michael in Jail”. The object was to show George in a jail environment in light of his recent arrest for driving stoned out of his mind. I chose to do a caricatured “Green Mile” theme which is where the name Dead Man Walkin’ came from. Tom Hanks rocks! It took silver.

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!



This was an entry in a “Labor Day” contest where we were asked to create a demotivational poster with the message to work harder. In this case we were allowed to use an image from a previous chop in the poster design. It took gold.

>Not in Church George


This was an entry to a “Week in pictures” contest requiring that you find a news story and make a chop that relates to it. The news story I chose read; “TONY BLAIR: GEORGE W. BUSH WAS NO ‘DUMB IDIOT’.” There are 11 caricatures in this chop including one of our own FN choppers, (SidKain). It took gold.

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!



This was an entry in my 22nd Freak Show contest at FN. I decided to try something different this time. This piece was inspired by the works of one of my favorite artists, Max Sauco I’m becoming known as a caricature artist so this was a change for me and a bit outside my comfort zone. It came in 4th of 61 entries, so I guess that’s not bad for an experimental piece. Hope you enjoy!
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