
October 2010

>Cry Baby


This was a Freak Show entry ar FN featuring Glenn Beck. It took gold.

>Slash ~ Shredded


This is an caricatured entry to a contest called “Slash That” honoring famous guitarist, Slash. It took bronze.

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

>Obamabot 2.0


This was an entry to my 24th Freak Show at It took bronze.

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

>Ghostbusters 4


This was a caricature manip I did for a contest honoring Bill Murrays 60th birthday. I chose to go with another design instead so this was a reject.

>The Obama Sisters


This was an entry in my 23rd Freak Show at FN. I decided to caricature Obama as his two sisters hillbilly style. It won gold out of 54 entries. Original source images below:

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

>Pirates of the Caribbean 2010


This was an entry to a contest called “If Piratesd Ruled” honoring September 19 as International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I decided to make the old guy a pirate. Clint Eastwood looks tough as heii even at his age.
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