
October 2010

>Nasal Eclipse


This was an entry to a contest at FN called “Big Nose Celebrities”. This contest went wild. There were initially 141 contestants, later whittled down to 138 entries. I chose this image of Robert De Niro because his nose cast such a large shadow hence the name “Nasal Eclipse”. I exagerated it just a bit. My entry took silver.

>Helter Skelter


This was an entry to a “Week in Pictures” contest at FN. The news story headline read, Oksana: Mel Threatened ‘Brains All Over the Wall’. Mel just can’t get that mouth under control. It took bronze.

>Cootie Crunch Cereal


This was an entry to a contest at FN called “Bug Food” in light of the recent news about Similac infant formula being recalled bucause it contained bug parts. The contest required that you Photoshop any food products or food items made with insects. It took bronze.

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!



This was an entry for a contest called “Bearded Women”. Pretty obvious what the goal was.

Bill Murray Retrospective


This is a caricatured entry for a contest at FN honoring Bill Murray’s, 60th birthday. There was alot of compition in this contest and some fine entries. It came in 4th.
 Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!



This was a Freak Show entry ar FN featuring Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and John McCain. It took silver.
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